Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hoping the cops don't show...

I have been at this gig for about a year and a half. Almost two years of full time God work. Whew! I didn't break anything (to the best of my knowledge.) They have let me stay...so far. Now we are starting this new thing. A new service. Sorta church for people that don't like church. How do we prep for welcoming people (and God) in, and, at the same time, not be so polished that it looks slick and well...slick. I wanna do enough work but not so much that EVERY...SINGLE...THING is timed out and choreographed perfectly. Who wants to worship in perfection? I get the idea that Jesus focused on the relationships...you know...the love thing. I don't know how much he cared who sang out of tune. He was just glad they came to the party. That's kinda how I hope Afterhours is. I want people to know we are just glad they came to the party. I have thrown a lot of great parties in my life....I just hope this one doesn't end with the cops showing up. Here's hoping I make it to my second anniversary!

[NOTE: I was going to tag this with some sort of clever "Afterhours" tag line...but I am already tired of that...that means you were tired of it WAY before me]

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