Monday, January 26, 2009

doin it different...

Well, lets give this a try. Let's TRY to do something different with church. But not just to "do" something different. Can we begin to listen to the voices that say, "church just isn't for me" and instead of trying to convince them that it is, listen to them. Maybe the church they don't like is the same church you and I don't like. Judgemental, holier than thou, hypocritical...mean. Don't blame them a bit. Maybe we can show folks a different way to do church. Keep the things that we think are really important...and lose the stuff we don't quite understand why they are there. Does a service HAVE to be one hour? Does the preacher HAVE to preach 20-25 minutes (dear sweet God say no). Do we HAVE to sit in rows, all facing forward? Let's find out...

After all, things are always a little bit different afterhours...

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