Monday, December 14, 2009

A lot can happen in three months...

Well, Civic Center park is up and running. Afterhours is handing out food & water and socks and communion there on Tues @ 1:30. Fridays, the FOUNDATION from DU is in the park at noon and Rusty Butler w/Arvada UMC are feeding the folks in the park on Mondays.

We have people from as far away as Cleavland, California and Florida asking how they can do the same type program in their cities. Very, very cool.

Christmas is going to be awesome here in Denver. As of now we have dozens and dozens of sleeping bags (thanks to Carolyn Waters and her crew at Christ Church), we have 50 box lunches donated by MiMi's Cafe in Broomfield (eat there when you can!), we have people who have donated hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of clothes. A couple people pitched in and bought over $300 worth of gloves. The gift bags that will have the clothes and such in them are all handmade and reuseable. It is amazing to me what happens when you let the spirit loose!

In my last post I mentioned that we didn't do "Communion"...but we did communion. We are doing "Communion" now twice a week. About 60%-80% of the people I offer it to accept. Some get down on there knees. Some won't touch it so I have to put it in there mouth. Some folks come every week ONLY for the communion.

By the end of this month, we will have feed over 600 people in Civic Center park.

Funny, when I started AfterHours, I thought we were starting a worship service that had an outreach element. I am starting to wonder if we have started an Outreach with a worship service element.

Time will tell...

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