Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here comes the Judge...

So this coming Sunday I am preaching on Judgement. I am going to talk about how important it is not to judge and how lousy the people are that do judge others...HOW JUDGEMENTAL OF ME! I TOTALLY get the irony of judging people for judging people. The thing is; there IS too much judgement in the world. Jesus said, "I did not come to judge the world." I think it is pretty clear if it ain't HIS gig, it sure as heck ain't mine. Truth is, it is SO much easier to judge than love. maybe thats why Jesus dropped in on us. He said, "you will totally screw this up unless I come down and show you, step by step, exactly how to do this." We still screwed it up. Come on by AfterHours to see if I get even a fraction of this right. I might get it right...or not. Come judge for yourself...(AfterHours @ 5 pm 3350 White Bay Dr. Highlands Ranch @ St. Andrew United Methodist Church)

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