Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Schools of Thought...

There are two schools of thought (probably more but I am going to run with two) when it comes to being a Pastor. One is that you show the world how much you know. Show them how strong a leader you are, that you can provide answers and are always certain. The other school of thought says struggle with your people. Show them your desire to lead, your willingness to go where you feel God is calling you but you don't need to act as though you have it "all figured out.". You let them know that you too get frustrated with the church and sometimes with God. You lead with your passion, not your intellect. Both models are successful. Both models work. A Pastor just needs to know which one he or she is. If you are ready to struggle with God and your faith and your Pastor who doesn't have all the answers...I look forward to seeing you at AfterHours.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm going to try again....

I am going to make another attempt at blogging. I get why people do it and I follow at least five blogs. As a writer though, it feel pretty...self indulgent (as if preaching isn't!) Now I know when it is done perfectly, preaching is an awesome expression of a way to connect people with God...both the preacher and the preachees. But it is a razors edge between that and a HUGE ego stroke. Keep an eye on me. I don't want to fall off the tightrope.

Having said ALL that, I will try to keep up and write in this blog as often as possible. Today I am just here to tell you the latest news with AfterHours.

We moved! we are now at 7562 S. University Blvd. 1/2 block south of Dry Creek in the Southglen Square mall. We are in the LifeSpot location right in the corner. LifeSpot is a youth center and they have been cool enough to let us invade their world every Sunday night. Table, chairs, couches, barstools. all add to the vibe. We used breadsticks from the pizza joint a few doors down for communion. It was fantastic. A very relaxed cool vibe.

We talked about what do you think of when you think of the word "church". for some it was a great memory, for others not so much and others had no feelings at all. What are your thoughts?

What do you think when you hear the