Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So last Sunday night we talked about suffering. Sorry to say, we didn't figure it out. Drag. I thought FOR SURE we would have that nailed after a 12-minute sermon and a 6-minute discussion. Oh well. What we did discuss was whether we believed in an all powerful God, an all loving God, or whether or not evil and suffering exists (some people don't believe that eveil really existst.)Hard to explain how all three exists at the same time.I think based on the discussion we were all over the board. Me? I can't let go of the all-loving God. That would be a deal breaker for me. I believe that evil exists so....yep, I don't believe in an all-powerful God. Before you throw tomatoes at the screen, hear me out. I think the reason God isn't all powerful is because God gave up some power to give us free will. God wants us to CHOOSE to be in relationship with God. It is in this space where free will exists that evil and suffering can, and has, taken root. There you have it. What are your thoughts? You can read the whole sermon at